Design Crush: Christiane Lemieux of Dwell Studio

In the interest of full disclosure, I’m going to start out by saying that the company I work for also owns Christiane’s company, Dwell Studio. And yes, this does have an impact on why I chose her as my latest design crush, because I have seen her outfits, and her work, which means I can say with at least a liiittle bit of authority that this woman is beyond fabulous, and is basically style in the flesh.

Christiane Lemieux hamptons
Photo via PopSugar

If you follow Christiane on Instagram, then you already know all of this, because she regularly posts photos from the Paris Flea Market, and trips to Jamaica, and charity work in Haiti, and parties in her hometown of New York City. But, back to her work. Christiane’s company, Dwell Studio, is behind about a dozen things I want for my home at any given moment (see below). Screen Shot 2014-11-26 at 7.28.59 AM

I love her modern-luxe, chic but not-too-serious aesthetic. Her line started as a textile brand back in 2000, but it’s since grown to include furniture, accessories, and the hippest baby stuff you’ll find anywhere, though textiles are still largely what the brand is known for.

A few of my favorite Dwell Studio textile of the moment:

Swatches via Dwell Studio

dwell studio bella porte fabric - dwell studio vintage blossom fabric

And a few more things I need for my house.

Photo via Dwell Studio
Photo via Dwell Studio

And the coolest crib ever.

DwellStudio-Vanderbilt-Crib - modern baby furniture
Photo via Dwell Studio

Her awesome style obviously carries over into other area of her life, like her home(s). Just check out these shots of her house in the Hamptons that were on PopSugar a few months back. Have you ever see a cooler beach house? I think not.

Christian Lemieux - Modern-Hamptons-House-Pictures
Below photos via PopSugar.

christiane lemiuex hamptons house tour Christiane Lemieux hamptons house tour Christiane Lemieux hamptons guest room christiane lemieux - wallpaper powder room You died, right?! Check out my other design crushes here.

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